martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

to 7z....

Li'lle red riding hood
'wrong idea they sold us!
Kick them on their ass!

First, that hood she wore!
Around the world,
She had to explore!

why being obedient?
UNKNOWN people
are so great to discover!

Yeah! maybe she's wrong...
or maybe right!...
The road she's chosing,
The one she likes,
Will bring her nice stuff
To keep growing up!

On her way,
many wolfs will hawl.
She'll take care
to chose the right ones
the bright ones...
'Cause she can't stand
plain ones!...

He may have a glass eye,
His arms may be tattoed
by a hard life...
If he's right,
You can bet!
She'll always love him.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

hey, please, quit this "comentario" when you read it.. sorry, I don´t know make it