domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009


I'll never stop thinking marking is so stupid...
Sure our educ. system is based on what kids obtain "thru" ABSOLUTELY boring tests. But, let's be honest that's only to make establishment feel "warm & cosy". Just as those words, demodés...stinky!
When you've got the chance to speak to SOME parents, or some colleagues it's easy to see how most of them don't care a shit about helping kids to find a path to freedom. They only think of results (feel free to translate it in: will my child be a rich doctor, a super lawyer....even a policeman!?...That's when I get really scared) . They crave to keep them running in that hamster's wheel. The wheel, WE, adults hate so much.
No wonder, when you try to expose your reasons why a kid got a good mark (if that kid is previously tagged as rolling stone) cause he/she shows interest, does his/her best . Even if his/her homework isn't always achieved!...many colleagues look at you as if you were crazy. Not to say when they simply rise up their voices over, while you're still speaking to show who's "right".... I smile inside, then I see they still didn't find the key to freedom: RESPECT.
Too bad! they'll have to keep on dragging that awful chain...
Me?... the only bondage I admit is in bed.